Policy & Agreement



In compliance with the Law 34/2002 of the services of the information society and the electronic commerce, dated on the 11th of July, we inform you that the web www.caterra.es, is owned by:

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) 
Glorieta, s/n
43783 La Pobla de Massaluca (Tarragona) 

These general conditions exclusively regulate the use of the services offered in the web of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) by any USER. The USER can find these general conditions in all the pages of the web www.caterra.es and each time the USER enters its data into the existing forms, which can be read, printed, stored and accepted through the internet. The USER cannot enter its data without accepting these general conditions.

Entering the web of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) means the acceptance and respect to all the general conditions by the USERS, who confirms to fully understand them

For any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us in the following mail address:


FIRST. General conditions of use and access

USER registration is not necessary to Access the services of the web of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra). However, use of database of items existing on www.caterra.es may be subject to user’s prior registration filling out a basic form, which will be regulated by the specific general conditions. The general conditions of this website are strictly regulated by the law and the principle of good faith, which commits the USER to make a good use of the website. All the acts that violate the legal rights and interests of others are forbidden: right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property and so on. Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) prohibits the following:

  • Damaging the systems of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) or third parties through internet or other way. 
  • Performing any advertising or commercial information directly or covertly without authorization, spamming or mail bombing.

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) can interrupt the access to the website at any time if it detects any use contrary to law, the good faith or the general conditions – see the fifth clause-.


SECOND. Content

The content of this website has been included by Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) using internal and external sources, so Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) is only responsible of the contents made internally. 

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) reserves the right to modify at any time the content of its website without any notice, both in terms of website contents and conditions of use of it, which will be binding.

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) states that has taken all necessary measures to prevent any damage that may result from browsing this website, making us not responsible for the possible and unlikely damages the user may suffer.


THIRD. Copyright and intellectual property

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) is a registered brand. The use of the Brand, which includes both the name and the logo, without the consent of the company is forbidden. All rights reserved. 

Moreover, the website of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) - content, software and design of the website- is protected by copyright, being prohibited any reproduction, comunication, distribution and transformation of the protected elements without the consent of Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra).

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) is not responsible of any change, malfunction or temporary shutdown of the service.


FOURTH. Cookies

The Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) website, like many others, uses cookies to facilitate, enhance and personalise the users' navigation experience. cookies are small text files that a website server stores on a user's browser (explorer, safari, firefox, chrome ...). so that when the user revisits the website, the cookies are then read to identify the user and set the browser preferences

We use temporary and permanent cookies to personalise the user’s navigation experience. Temporary cookies will be eliminated from your computer each time you close the browser.

Our users are able to configure the browser in order to be informed when cookies are received and decide not to save these cookies in your hard drive.


FIFTH. Jurisdiction and applicable laws.

These general terms are subject to Spanish law. The court from Gandesa is competent to resolve any controversy or dispute arising from these general terms, refusing the USER any jurisdiction that may correspond him.



In the event that any clause of this document is declared invalid, the remaining clauses shall remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these terms. Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) may not exercise any of the rights or powers conferred on this document, which does not imply refusing them unless it is recognized by Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra). 



Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) respects your privacy rights and safeguards the personal data recorded in this website, is for that reason that we commit ourselves to protecting the data provided and to require our suppliers to work with the same conditions.

This privacy policy applies all the pages, sections and subsections of this website.

That is why in accordance with law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data, Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) te informs you that the personal data entered in this website with the corresponding application forms will be included in computerized files under Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) responsibility, which are registered in Registro General de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos for its proper contract management.

We also inform you that, as it is stated in the above law, you can exercise the rights of access, correction and/or cancellation sending an e-mail to the following electronic address: info@caterra.es, or a letter to the following address: 

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra)
Glorieta, s/n
43783 La Pobla de Massaluca (Tarragona)

In the application forms of the website we only ask the mandatory personal data required for the on-line services and according to the law of data protection, these will be only used for statistical purpose.

Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) will never sell, transfer or rent to third parties the data provided. Similarly, all the data is transferred under secure connections, thus preventing both unauthorized access as alterations, losses or inadequate treatment of the information provided.

By accepting this privacy policy, I allow Cooperativa i Secció de Crèdit Terra Alta, SCCL (Caterra) processing my data according to the terms mentioned above. This authorization may be revoked at any time without retroactive effect.